Monthly Leadership Development Program

Date & Time Module(s) Format
Thursday, 5th January 2023, 8.30am to 10.45am 01A Virtual
Thursday, 12th January 2023, 8.30am to 10.45am 01B Virtual
Thursday, 12th January 2023, 1.00pm to 5.30pm 01A & 01B In-person

01A: Be the Coach They Need

Featuring Steve Farber

A recent survey by Gallup found that only 21% of employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work. Developing a coach’s mindset, approach, and culture is essential to organizational success. Without it, productivity declines, morale decreases, and performance is mediocre.

Be the Coach They Need offers usable skills to transition from a style of a typical directing approach to one of a coach. Managers will develop a coaching mindset, apply a conversational framework, and utilize language techniques that will lead to more effective conversations that drive desired outcomes. This module will transform the ability to coach and develop employees.

Learning Objectives:

  • Demonstrate a coaching mindset.
  • Prepare an individual coaching template to improve personal and team success.
  • Employ effective tools and techniques to conduct essential conversations with team members.

01B: Deliver Results the First Time

Featuring Andy Bounds

“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers,” warned the great Peter Drucker. “The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong questions.” If Drucker is right, then these are dangerous times indeed.

With so much data and uncertainty weighing on our decisions, asking the wrong questions – to arrive at the wrong destination – are mistakes we can’t afford to make. To help put us on the right course, we will hear from Andy Bounds.

A communications expert, Andy Bounds has been honored as Britain’s “Sales Trainer of the Year.” His book The Jelly Effect: How to Make Your Communication Stick is a best-selling business classic.

Learning Objectives:

  • Produce better results by asking future-based questions.
  • Apply a five-step technique to set proper direction.
  • Practice clear communication and delegation.