When people think about what is required to operate a successful business, they think of business models, revenue, profit, competition, and marketing, to name a few. These are certainly vital components, but one item that is often missing from the list is love. Leaders often shy away from the “L” word, but it can represent the secret to success for any organization.

In his best-selling book, Love is Just Damn Good Business, Crestcom Subject Matter Expert Steve Farber explains, “When love is part of an organization’s framework, employees and customers feel genuinely valued. Employees are more loyal, innovative, creative and inspired. They are then more likely, in a meaningful and sustainable way over time, to produce products, services, and experiences that their customers will love. As a result, customers reciprocate with their loyalty, referrals, and, of course, money. Healthy employee relationships and customer retention, combined with the growth and abundance associated with love-based decisions, make for an overall healthy and successful business.”

Click HERE to find out how you, as a leader, can bring more love to the work.