Monthly Leadership Development Programme: Wednesday 15th December 2021, 8.30am to 1.00pm

SYNC UP: The Conflict Mindset - NEW!

Featuring Marilyn Sherman

When conflict arises, are you depleted by the negative interaction or energized by the collaborative outcome. According to the Essentials of Organizational Behavior, 85% of employees admitted having to deal with conflict on the job and 64% of leaders would rather avoid conflict than address it. By adopting a conflict mindset, effective leaders increase trust, engagement, and productivity on their teams.

Marilyn Sherman, a popular international speaker and author describes types of conflict, conflict styles, and a model to hold a conflict conversation whether it be in the moment or one for which you can plan.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe healthy and unhealthy conflict in the workplace.
  • Recognize The Conflict Quadrant’s four conflict styles and apply a diffuser tactic to each style.
  • Plan and practice the SYNC Up model to manage conflict situations with confidence.

Peak Performing Leaders

Featuring Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter

Operating at your peak performance requires you to focus on taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally. Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, CEO and executive coach of Olympic gold medalists, will help guide you through how to connect your body and your mind to achieve peak performance. You have the ability to make small changes for yourself that significantly impact your ability to lead a successful team. Learn how to derive power from four energy sources—purpose, physical health, emotional balance, and a focused mind—to improve your productivity and ability to engage your team in today’s chaotic workplace environment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the Crestcom Performance Optimization Model.
  • Develop a plan to achieve peak performance.
  • Apply a mindfulness process to be more focused and creative.
  • Construct an action plan to improve your own performance or the performance of associates in the workplace.