Monthly Leadership Development Programme: Thursday 18th November 2021, 8.30am to 1.00pm

Managing Time for Maximum Results

Featuring Mark Sanborn

Called the “Father of Modern Management,” the great Peter Drucker said, “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” So how are we doing?

Research says that workers spend an average of 1.7 hours per day doing nothing. It’s time to do better, and Mark Sanborn can help.

Mark Sanborn is an expert and top author on leadership and managing effective business relationships. He’s also one of the youngest people ever inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame.

Learning Objectives:

  • Maintain focus on the time and expertise of yourself and others. • Improve your ability to avoid and manage distractions.
  • Apply the six principles of time management.
  • Identify and concentrate your efforts on MVP activities.

The Delegation Advantage: Multiply Your Impact - NEW!

Featuring Marilyn Sherman

Effective delegation through relationship building and attention to detail is powerful. It can maximize the impact of your leadership role and the results you are responsible for. The best leaders accomplish great things by working through others.

Imagine you began successfully delegating 30% more of your workload. Where else can you add value to your organization? You could contribute more strategic insight, or spark more change. Perhaps you could strengthen cross-functional relationships, boosting organizational agility and speed. Upgrade your delegation skills to see incredible growth in your career, your staff, and your contribution to your organization’s success.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe how delegation:
    • Adds value to you and your organization.
    • Motivates and empowers your team.
  • Overcome 12 barriers of effective delegation.
  • Apply a 5-step delegation process model.