Much like decision-making and problem-solving, active listening is a vital leadership skill. It often gets overlooked, but it is essential to effective communication, building rapport, and resolving conflicts. It can ensure understanding in the workplace, leading to fewer misunderstandings and errors, saving time and re-work. Active listening will improve relationships, establish trust, and increase your empathy for others.

However, active listeners are a rare commodity in an increasingly distracting environment, with many people and many devices vying for our attention. Especially now, when so much communication takes place over video conferencing, it is challenging to stay focused and really listen to one another.

The goal of active listening is to acquire information from others as well as understanding. It involves listening with full attention, using all your senses. It is important to engage with the person speaking fully, so they are confident they are being heard and understood. It is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. There are several techniques to enhance active listening in both in-person and virtual conversations.

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